Integrated provides high-quality product sourcing to the various arms of the United States military in support of troop and base operations. There are more than 1.4 million active troops serving on and around bases in the United States and across the world.

Defense Commissary Agency
The Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) delivers a vital benefit of the military pay system that sells grocery items at cost while enhancing quality of life and readiness. Integrated sources a wide range of grocery and health and beauty items in support of DeCA's mission.

Defense Logistics Agency
The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) is the Department of Defense's largest logistics combat support agency, providing worldwide logistics support in both peacetime and wartime to the military services as well as several civilian agencies and foreign countries.

Prime Broker Support
Prime vendors provide the armed services with a broad range of food-related items either under a standardized or customized catalog that contains a listing of items contractually requested by domestic and foreign military installations.
